Strong, Simple, Silent… StillSilver Max The Silver Sabre series has had a very long history with Tesoro Electronics. It was first introduced in 1983. In a time when \”lunch box\” detectors were the norm, the original Silver Sabre was perceived as a toy unit. There have been many men who bought one for the wife and wound up using it because it worked as well as any other detector on the market. Advertised as \”strong, simple, silent\”, the Silver Sabre has gone through many changes over the years. The Silver Sabre Plus added a no motion all metal circuit. The Silver Sabre II added a new plastic housing and new Hybrid Circuit technology. Several years ago we introduced the Silver Sabre uMax with an incredibly small housing and Max Boost technology. A number of men bought one for their wife and wound up using it because it worked as well as any other detector on the market. (Sounds familiar doesn\’t it?)We have decided to bring the Silver back full circle to where it started. The original Silver Sabre was a turn on and go detector with Silent Search discrimination and all metal modes. The new Silver uMax returns to its roots and offers strong, silent and simple operation once again. The Silver uMax uses a microprocessor to control the audio tone and battery test. It will come with an 8\” Concentric coil and our latest plastic faceplate..
FEATURES: Microprocessor TechnologyMicroMax DesignLow Noise CircuitryVLF 10 kHz FrequencyOne Drop-in 9 volt BatteryPush Button Battery TestSilent Search Discriminate ModeSilent Search All Metal Mode8\” Concentric CoilInterchangeable CoilsBuilt-in Mineral RejectionLifetime Warranty
SPECIFICATIONSOperating Frequency……………………………..10.6 kHzSearchcoil Type……………………………..Round, open center concentricSearchcoil Size……………………………..8\” diameterCable Length……………………………..Approx. 3�Audio Frequency……………………………..Approx. 630 HzAudio Output……………………………..1�� speaker and headphone jackHeadphone Compatibility……………………………..�� stereo plugWeight (may vary slightly)……………………………..2.2 lbs.Battery Requirement……………………………..One 9 volt DC (alkaline)Battery Life (typical)……………………………..10 to 20 hoursOptimum Temperature Range……………………………..30� to 100� FOptimum Humidity……………………………..0 to 75% R.H.Operating Modes……………………………..Silent Search All Metal Silent Search Discriminate